Film star Will Smith recently released a Facebook Live video of him confronting one of his biggest fears: swimming with sharks.
“My whole life, I’ve been terrified of sharks. I blame Stephen Spielberg. When JAWS came out . . . I was scared in the bathtub.”
During the filming, Smith met Paul De Gelder, an ex-Australian Army paratrooper and diver who was attacked by a bull shark in 2009 during a counterterrorism training exercise, as well as shark behaviorist Cristina Zenato, who dives with sharks and removes fishing hooks from their mouths.
To dive with sharks, Smith teamed up with Stuart Cove’s Dive Bahamas, where he took a PADI Discover Scuba class and learned more about sharks and their roles in the global ecosystem.
Check out Smith’s Facebook Live video here, or watch an earlier video of Smith’s overcoming his fear of the ocean below.