Dive trainingstandards may be questioned after two divers were diving in at least 150 feet(40 metres) of water in La Jolla, San Diego, when one diver ran out of air andattempted to share air with his buddy, to make it to the surface. John Sonsteng, 45, died around 9 a.m. Saturday off La Jolla Shoreswhile scuba diving with his 19-year-old son, according to San Diego lifeguard Lt. John Greenhalgh.
A newsarticle reports that Mr. Sonsteng ran out of air and was attempting tore-surface while sharing his son’s tank when the younger diver’s tank also ranout of air and he suddenly ascended with force, leaving his father behind,Greenhalgh said. The elder Sonsteng’s body was found by a remote-controlunderwater vehicle after a five-hour search by divers, a helicopter andboaters.
Sonsteng’s son was hospitalized as a precautionbecause of his rapid ascent, Greenhalgh said. This was apparently the victim’sfirst dive after certification. The maximumrecommended depth for diving for novice or recently certified divers is notmore than 20 metres.