Sunday, February 9, 2025

8th Edition Of The Caribbean Cup Freediving Competition Starts Today


In the Caribbean there are many hidden treasures, the international freediver community found theirs in 2013, with the first edition of the Caribbean Cup Freediving Competition.

Caribbean Cup Freediving Competition 2021

Roatan Freediving School and Training Center thanks to Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort, Instituto Hondureño de Turismo, Marca País Honduras and Canal 11 for making possible the realization of the eighth edition of the Caribbean Cup Freediving CompetitionVideo edited by Visión Nómade#IHT #InstitutoHondureñodeTurismo #Marcapaíshonduras #mayanprincess #Canal11 #Roatan #Freediving #Islasdelabahia #Honduras #roatanfreediving #apnea #Caribbean #oceanlife #Caribbeancup #roatanmarinepark #PADI #Padifreediver #visionnomade #deeperblue #aidainternational #FreedivingCompetition #sundowners #MrTucan #octopus #MaxTV #FlorDeCaña #sansimonbeachclub #MayanDivers #Infinitybayresort #GrandRoatan #Freediveutila #bananarama #Pagadito #oceanconnections #westbaylodge #utiladream #galaxywave

Posted by Caribbean Cup Freediving Competition on Tuesday, July 13, 2021


For a long time Roatan was a hidden treasure for the international freediving community. The first edition of the Caribbean Cup freediving competition in 2013 was the revelation that Roatan was one of the best places in the world to hold annual freediving competitions and bring together some of the greatest athletes from around the world.

Athletes of the caliber of William Trubridge, Alexey Molchanov, Alessia Zecchini, Alenka Artnik, Carlos Coste and so many, many more were drawn into these deep waters to train and set national and world records

The event has also been a trailblazer in bringing together competing freediving federations CMAS and AIDA and in 2019 athletes from both federations could compete in the same competition under two different organizations for one set of ranking and prizes.

This year the Caribbean Cup returns with only AIDA rules due to the complications involved in organizing an event with the world still in the grip of a pandemic, but the precedent has already been set and in 2022 Roatan freediving plans to convene again both organizations to judge the competition.

Honduran Tourism Institute and Mayan Princess Beach & Dive Resort are sponsoring the world-class event this year and competitiors will be competing for top spots in Constant Weight (CWT), Constant Weight No Fins (CNF), Free Immersion (FIM), and Constant Weight Bi-Fins (CWTBF) disciplines.

Keep tuned over the next 7 days as we bring you the latest news and details from the competition.

Feature and other images courtesy of Alex St-Jean

Stephan Whelan
Stephan Whelan
Stephan is the Founder of His passion for the underwater world started at 8 years old with a try-dive in a hotel pool on holiday that soon formulated into a lifelong love affair with the oceans. In 1996 he set up and has grown the site to be the most popular diving website and community in the world.


