Friday, September 13, 2024

AIDA World Depth Championships Day 5 – Gillespie, Zalecka Claim Women’s National Records


Day 5 of the AIDA World Depth Championship freediving competition in Roatan, Honduras, saw two new women’s national records in the Constant Weight No-Fins (CNF) discipline.

France’s Marianna Gillespie successfully dove to 62m/203ft, and Poland’s Agata Zalecka dove to 50m/164ft for national records for their respective countries.

In a Facebook post, Gillespie wrote:

“Grateful to Mother Nature for beautiful diving conditions … I could not wish for a better day for the hardest discipline!”

WORLD CHAMPION with a new ?? NATIONAL RECORD diving to 62 meters without fins??These are my highlights from day 5 -…

Posted by Marianna Gillespie on Sunday, August 21, 2022

Not everyone got what they wanted, though. Turkey’s Sahika Ercumen was slated to attempt a 60m/197ft dive, but did not start.

Additionally, Hungary’s Fatima Korok dove to 67m/220ft but suffered a blackout upon surfacing. In a Facebook post, she wrote:

“Unfortunately, today I didn’t achieve my goal and I lost my second gold medal at the World Cup… Although I dived 67 meters without a fin in 3 minutes, but when I reached the surface I fainted due to lack of oxygen. I was exhausted in the last few weeks, unfortunately this was too much now … If you saw the live broadcast, I apologize for the dramatic passage, everything is fine, nothing wrong, I just fell asleep a little bit.”

Sziasztok!Sajnos ma nem sikerült a kit?zött cèl ès elveszìtettem a màsodik aranyèrmemet a VBn… Bàr megmerültem a 67 mètert uszony nèlkül 3 perc alatt, viszont a felszìnre èrve elàjultam az oxigènhiàny miatt. Kimerültem az elmùlt hetekben sajnos ez most tùl sok volt ????? Aki làtta az èl? közvetìtèst attòl elnèzèst kèrek a dràmai àjulàsèrt , minden rendben van semmi bajom csak kicsit bealudtam???Köszönöm a drukkolàst ès tàmogatàsokat ! ?? Most 100% pihenès van ! Majd legközelebb sikerül ??Puszi nektek ??

Posted by Fatima Korok Freediver on Sunday, August 21, 2022

Full Day 5 – Women’s Constant Weight No Fins (CNF) – Results

The AIDA Website gives the results as follows:

AIDA Day 5 CNF Women Results
AIDA Day 5 CNF Women Results

Diveye Live Stream

Check out the live stream each day of the competition on the AIDA Youtube Channel. Diveye, the remote underwater filming drone, is onsite. The replay of Day 5 is below.

Day 6 will be the Men competing in the CNF discipline. Keep checking back on for all the action and results at the 2022 AIDA Depth World Championships.

(Featured image credit: Luke Coley)

John Liang
John Liang
John Liang is the News Editor at He first got the diving bug while in High School in Cairo, Egypt, where he earned his PADI Open Water Diver certification in the Red Sea off the Sinai Peninsula. Since then, John has dived in a volcanic lake in Guatemala, among white-tipped sharks off the Pacific Coast of Costa Rica, and other places including a pool in Las Vegas helping to break the world record for the largest underwater press conference.


