If you’re a Divers Alert Network member and will be attending the 2024 Beneath the Sea Dive, Travel and Oceans Exposition this weekend in New Jersey, the folks at DAN have put out a “casting call” for video testimonials.
DAN’s marketing team will be on location to record video testimonials throughout the event on the second floor of the venue’s exhibit hall. While on camera, participants will have the opportunity to share why they’re a DAN member and how DAN has helped them be safer or better-prepared divers.
DAN Director of Marketing Steve Jamroz said:
“We’re excited to talk to DAN members and hear their unique stories. For more than 40 years our mission has been to help divers in need of emergency medical assistance, and we have successfully managed over 10,000 emergency medical evacuations. Although rare, accidents do happen and that’s why we encourage every diver to be a member.”
Members can make an appointment for a 30-minute time slot to share their story using DAN’s online signup form. Time slots are available 9 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday and 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Sunday.