Scuba diving enthusiasts across the globe are counting down to the second annual International Dive-In Day on June 11, 2000, when divers throughout the world will attempt to break last year’s world record of nearly 1,000 individuals participating in the largest group dive. The event will take place simultaneously at 8 a.m. PST in cities everywhere, from California to Japan, and will be a major component of National Scuba Month, according to Regina Franklin, executive director of the Diving Equipment and Marketing Association (DEMA).
"Last year’s dive successfully brought out divers from all corners of the globe to break a world record, launched the HammerHeads program and through National Scuba Month, educated divers and non-divers alike about how much fun diving can be. By building on last year’s success we expect an even greater turn out this year," said Franklin.
"Although we are attempting to set a new world record, the true purpose of Dive-In Day and National Scuba Month is to unite divers of all walks of life by giving them an opportunity to celebrate scuba diving; an activity enjoyed by millions of people worldwide each year."
The month of June has been declared National Scuba Month as it is the time of the year when scuba diving season is in full swing. The month is filled with several dive-related events in addition to Dive-In Day, including many of the industry’s consumer dive shows and diver retailer promotions. Divers participating in Dive-In Day will also be encouraged to take part in a photo scavenger hunt, a contest sponsored by Kodak/Sea & Sea Products, Ltd.