Holding your breath requires patience. Holding your breath for six minutes and :27 seconds requires an internal strength and steel most people don’t have – but Georgina Miller does. Just this week in Crete at the 7th Annual Mediterranean World Cup gorgeous George proved she had the focus and skill needed to further the UK national record in static apnea by an additional seven seconds (improving upon her own record-setting performance of six minutes and :20 seconds from 2012.)
“I give enormous thanks to Daan Verhoeven for all of his help, love, advice, incredible pictures and fantastic coaching. I have been struggling with competition nerves for a while with this one (my static attempt) so it really makes all the difference to be in a relaxed environment.” the British beauty shared. “Stavros Kastrinakis has organized an amazing 7th Med World Cup series, making the athletes feel relaxed and supported. Good performances and records are really only possible with the help of friends, coaches, safety and organization. So thanks to my friends at London freediving too for your support!
Watch Georgina’s extremely clean performance below; her flawless surface protocol belies any nerves and indicates that she has more gas in her tank to go even further. “I was nervous beforehand so I had a higher heart rate, but I managed to get through it by concentrating on one step at a time, rather than looking at it as a target,” George quipped… “positive thinking during the hold is really important to me and Daan kept reminding me of how cute our dog Beans is!”
DeeperBlue.com offers our heartiest congratulations to Georgina, on her new national record and an overall successful comp.
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbqJQpkkKbU]
photos © Nicholas Kouvaras and Sean Peters