On Tremiti Island on the 6-7-8 June 2003, The ACSD Pentotary Club of Foggia and the e-zine Apnea Magazine are organising a world freediving event.
The pricipal event will consist of the Italian National freediving athletes challenging each other in the first competition of the CMAS new freediving discipline, known among lovers of freediving as "JB" or "Apnea Cube". The CMAS competitions take place in a cube 15x15x15: each diver must reach the base of the cube, go as far as possible along the sides of the cube base and then surface. The first world championship of this new discipline will be celebrated in Tunisia next September. Eight Nimar videocameras will be positioned to film all the phases of the competition.
Before and after the competition all the freediving lovers will be able to try this new discipline and take part in a free short course regarding the use of monofin in freediving. The course will be held by David Landi, former world champion of finswimming, Armando Ballotta, former CT of the Italian finswimming national team and Mario Ciavarella, Professor of acquatic discipline theory at the University of Foggia. The course, which is open to all, will consist of a theory lesson during which freediving videos will be shown, and a session of training in the sea.
For further information: apneatremiti@apneamagazine.com
News regarding the event and information about how to partecipate will be given on the website www.apneamagazine.com