The 2002 Seasearch diving season will open on World Oceans Day next month, with a series of introduction courses to be held across the UK.As a prelude to several dives later in the year, Seasearch will host Training Courses in Anglesey, Wales and North Berwick and Scotland on 8 June.
The aim of Seasearch, co-ordinated by the Marine Conservation Society, is to map the seabed around England, Scotland and Wales to around 5 miles off the coast.
Divers can participate in three different levels of recording depending on their knowledge and experience. The introduction courses provide training in marine habitat and species identification and survey methods.
Formed in the mid 1980s, SEASEARCH is the brainchild of Dr. Bob Earll, head of Conservation at the Marine Conservation Society at that time, and Dr. Roger Mitchell, then Head of the Marine Science Branch of the Nature Conservancy Council.
In 1999, The National Seasearch Steering Group was set up by the MCS, which today includes the Environment Agency, the Marine Biological Association, the Countryside Council for Wales, Scottish Natural Heritage and PADI Project AWARE.
Divers wanting to take part in Seasearch can find out more from the website at or from Chris Woods, Woods MCS Dives Co-ordinator on 0118 973 4127