The first Dahab Deep Diving Discussions have been announced for April 26 2010.
This event is going to present the most recent developments in the field and will provide a platform for communication between researchers and freedivers, aiming to lead to new cooperation and projects for all participating scientists and athletes.
Whilst no venue has been set yet further information will be available soon.
The current programme being proposed include the following presentations:
- Bubbles and DCS in deep diving
- Eating or fasting before maximal apnea
- Effects of dry apnea training on protective responses
- Warm up – or not before maximal apnea
- SaO2 recovery and pulmonary oedema
- Mental training and diving performance
- Discussions and closing remarks
The list of renowned (and less known) speakers of the Dahab Deep Diving Discussions 2010 include:
- Marianne Havnes, PhD stud, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway
- Erika Schagatay, professor Mid Sweden University
- Harald Engan, PhD stud, Mid Sweden University and NTNU
- Angelica Lodin-Sundström, PhD stud, Mid Sweden University
- Sebastian Näslund, Halmstad University, Sweden
Check back to for more information on this exciting new event in the freediving calendar.