Source: Forum
Performance Freediving International will hold its 4th annualcompetition in Grand Cayman this May. The competition runs from May21-27, but from May 6-20 PFI will also hold a coaching program forcompetitors for $75 per boat trip, which includes boat costs, safetyfreedivers and technical divers, oxygen decompression and video of thedives.
The competition is open to all PFI members and past students and issupported by AIDA, the Association for the International Development ofApnea, so all performances are official and can count towards worldrecords.
The competitive ocean disciplines will include constant ballastfreediving with and without fins and free immersion. The pooldisciplines will include static apnea as well as dynamic apnea with andwithout fins.
According to Kirk Krack, PFI president and founder, the event isintended to appeal to freedivers of all skill levels, from beginners toexperts.
“This competition is the perfect way for freedivers of all experiencelevels to explore their potential in a relaxed and supportiveatmosphere,” he said.
Before and after the competition, PFI will also be conducting basic,intermediate, advanced, safety supervisor and instructor courses.
To register for the competition, the coaching program or a freediving course visit PFI’s website at