Renowned for their innovative, underwater video stylings, Performance Freediving International recently teamed up with GoPro to create a dream-like short film “Whale Fantasia“. Narrated by the late Alan Watts, (a British-born writer & philosopher who was perhaps best known as an interpreter and populariser of Eastern philosophy for a Western audience), Whale Fantasia mesmerizes with stunning images and footage, all captured by HD Hero cameras. Watch the video here below as former World Record holder Mandy-Rae Krack (née Cruickshank) joins two other PFI sirens of the deep (Erin Magee & Ashleigh Baird), to dance with humpback whales, and meander as magical mermaids suspended above the rocky reefs and just below the dangerous surf.
Whale Fantasia with Performance Freediving & GoPro
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Francesca Koe
An active ocean advocate, VP of U.S. Freediving, a multi-agency dive instructor, PFI Safety Supervisor and AIDA judge, Francesca also serves as the Editor-At-Large here at You can usually find Francesca diving in the kelp, hanging out at the Farallones with sharky friends, or trying to improve upon her own PB's.