Saturday, February 15, 2025
HomeFreedivingAlfredo Romo Hernandez - New National Record for Mexico

Alfredo Romo Hernandez – New National Record for Mexico

Dean’s Blue Hole, Bahamas — Alfredo Romo Hernandez is having the time of his life and setting Mexcian national records while he is at it. These past few weeks Alfredo, an affiliate instructor for Freediving Instructors International, was fortunate enough to be training with and working for Project Hector alongside world champion freediver William Trubridge.

The 27 year old Hernandez is a relative newcomer to competitive freediving, having made his inaugural appearance at Vertical Blue. Training with freediving giants Martin Stepanek, Niki Roderick and Trubridge is proving to be a smart strategy for Alfredo. On Tuesday, December 12th, Alfredo successfully set a new Mexican National Record in the discipline of constant no fins when he completed a 52 meter / 170 foot dive in 2 minutes and :14 seconds.

Alfredo Hernandez

Alfredo describes his dive…” it was a little difficult because it was the coldest day both on land and in the water since I arrived on Long Island. In the middle of my warm up I was already shivering. As soon as I finished my warm-up I decided to get on the platform, but this did not work in my favor because the wind was terribly cold. Eventually, I simply got in the water to do my breathe-up and decided to just go for it even though I wasn’t relaxed. On the way down to the plate I felt fine, however, on the way up my muscles paid the price from being cold –I found myself shivering and was much more tired than usual.”

Despite these less than ideal conditions, Alfredo powered through to make a clean surface protocol and established himself as the newest contender in competitive freediving. Hernandez was wearing an Orca free suit, fluid goggles, a noseclip, and 3.8 lbs of weight on his neck during this NR CNF dive. Alfredo is very grateful to his coach and safety Brian Pucella and all of his friends at the Blue Hole.

DeeperBlue congratulates Alfredo on a terrific performance.

Photo courtesy of Grant Graves.

Francesca Koe
Francesca Koe
An active ocean advocate, VP of U.S. Freediving, a multi-agency dive instructor, PFI Safety Supervisor and AIDA judge, Francesca also serves as the Editor-At-Large here at You can usually find Francesca diving in the kelp, hanging out at the Farallones with sharky friends, or trying to improve upon her own PB's.


