There is exciting news from the Divers Alert Network: The launch of the new Prepared Diver Program and major revisions of all their other educational programs with eLearning delivery.
Professional Membership allows access to free student insurance, ability to invite clients to the Prepared Diver Program and a long list of other benefits.
The Prepared Diver Program is an evidence-based eLearning offering that is built around the five factors that trigger diver fatalities. DAN is encouraging a diving safety culture and community with hopes the new offering will help re-enforce safe diving practices and a safety first mindset for all divers. The program is open to divers of any level and requires the participant to be invited by a DAN Professional Member.
The course covers the five areas that lead to diver fatalities with the emphasis on how to avoid having them be an issue for the diver. These subject areas include: knowing your limits, gas management, buoyancy, ascents and descents, and equalization. A sixth section concludes the program relating to personal responsibility.
All of DAN’s diver education courses have a new delivery platform that is fully online and integrates the course videos. So, now a diver or instructor candidate simply has to complete the eLearning development and then connect with an instructor for skill development. For the instructor, the system allows for complete tracking of students throughout their course work and the ability to complete paperwork fully online. Additional support is provided to reach out to clients well after their courses are completed or to re-engage when them when it is time for a renewal course.
For more info, check out the DAN website at